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Bassetlaw Hospital, Doncaster

Vanguard helps Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS FT become the first NHS acute healthcare provider to eradicate RAAC from its sites.


As part of the refurbishment project removing the threat to the safety of patients and staff caused by the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), a solution was required that ensured continuity of care. Planned procedures should continue during roof refurbishment work and the hospital's operating theatres could not be used.


The initial plan was for two mobile operating theatres to be provided to cover the downtime of the hospital’s internal theatres. However, during discussions, it was decided that three theatres with modular support areas for storage, changing and welfare would be more appropriate. This approach would provide a 'standalone' facility to provide the alternative capacity. 


In just 10 weeks, three mobile operating theatres with support modular hub facilities were designed, installed and commissioned. This timescale included the construction of a connecting corridor and fire walls (in consultation with the Trust fire officer). Training was provided for the staff who would run the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the facility. 


The installation of the 'mixed-modality' surgical facility (comprising mobile and modular elements) meant that the roof refurbishment work did not interrupt the care the hospital provides for its patients. Planned general, breast and laser surgery went ahead, along with arthroplasty, orthopaedic foot, shoulder and hand surgery, and urological, gynaecological, and endoscopy procedures. 

Som ett resultat blev Doncaster och Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals den första akuta NHS-leverantören i landet som framgångsrikt utrotade armerad autoklaverad lättbetong (RAAC) från sina anläggningar.

Vårt samarbete med Vinci

Vinci kontaktade Vanguard för att hjälpa till med detta projekt på grund av en tidigare framgångsrik arbetsrelation. Vi var glada över att arbeta med Vinci för att hjälpa sjukhuset att fortsätta sin vård under renoveringsarbetet som utfördes av Vinci och IHP (ett joint venture mellan Vinci och Sir Robert McAlpine).  

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Basingstoke Hospital, Hampshire

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Vanguard Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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