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How a staffed Vanguard Day Case facility is helping Milton Keynes University Hospital reduce the elective backlog

22 October, 2024
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The Trust’s Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care, Dr Hamid Manji, speaks with Vanguard’s CEO, Chris Blackwell-Frost

The day case facility is formed by the seamless joining of a mobile operating theatre and a mobile ward. A Vanguard clinical team supports the surgeons and anaesthetists, maximising efficiency and optimising patient experience.

Watch the interview or read the transcript, below.

For greater insight, there is a case study, here

An interview with Claire McGillycuddy, the trust's Associate Director of Operations for Surgery & Elective Care, can be watched, here

“The patient experience, from the patients that have fed back to us, has been excellent. They've really enjoyed the Vanguard unit. They've enjoyed the fact that, they're getting their operations much earlier than they otherwise might have done and also, the staff, both the day surgery staff as well as the Vanguard team are, as I've said already, highly professional, really focused on patient safety and patient experience and they provide a really good experience for these patients. So, the overwhelming experience has been very positive.”
Dr Hamid Manji, Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care


Hi, Hamid. Really good to talk to you today. You've had the Vanguard unit on site for just over three months, now. It would be really good to hear from you how it's going, how you’re finding it and how the surgical team are finding it.


Excellent. You alluded to it there, a little bit, but it'd be really interesting, just in terms of how different it is from your usual theatres and usual operating environment…


So, just going back to the decision-making process that you would have gone through and the various options that were on the table for you, it'd be really good to understand, from a clinical and medical perspective, why you felt the Vanguard unit was the best solution for you?

“…it was felt that the clinical importance of this should not be overlooked and should be paramount, and on that basis, we came to the decision to bring the Vanguard team into Milton Keynes Hospital.”
Dr Hamid Manji, Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care


That's really interesting and really good to hear that it was the clinical team that identified the need here and then worked closely with the management team to drive that through. That sounds like the case.


And you talked previously, around the fact that you started relatively slowly, and then over time it's built up. So, it sounds like you're becoming more efficient through the unit. So, it would be good to understand, given efficiency is quite a big driver at the moment, how you're moving that efficiency side of things forward.


Could you just talk me through the sort of activity that you're doing on the unit and the specialisms that you're working through?

“We started off with specialties that we had the highest patient waiting times for, and we tried to make sure we reduced those patient waiting times as quickly as we could. Then, as other pinch points arise, we will clearly be agile to try and coordinate such that we would change the specialties to try and always get the best care for the patients.”
Dr Hamid Manji, Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care


And in terms of how you would see that evolving over the next few months, is there a specific route through? My sense is that you're making some really good inroads into the waiting lists that you have, and therefore, there will be other elements, I guess, that will, all of a sudden, start to look like new challenges. So, how would you see it evolving over the next few months?


You've got the standalone Day Case Unit, with the ward and the mobile theatre, which brings additional capacity, but also, by moving patients out from the traditional theatres, that frees up additional slots there, as well. So, it'd be good just to hear how you're using that additional capacity across both your existing theatres and the Vanguard one, and how you're planning and managing that through.


You talked about the patients there, and there's always a little bit of a fear when we first start to talk to clinicians and senior leaders within NHS trusts, that the patient experience (in a mobile facility) may not be quite the same, and it would be good to hear from you how patients have found being on the unit.

“The patient metrics… are about patient experience and patient safety. We're making sure that we deliver the safest care we can and the patient is getting a fantastic experience. Fundamentally for them, they're getting their procedures done earlier, much earlier, than they otherwise would have. So, they are very, very happy about that.”
Dr Hamid Manji, Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care


I think there's always the danger of talking about patient numbers and waiting list reductions, rather than thinking about the human stories that then sit behind that. So, it would be good to hear your sense of how patients are benefiting from having additional capacity and having the unit here.


And, final question, in your capacity as a medical director, how would you view the key measures of success? What is it, at the end of it all, that would give you that indication that this has been a very successful venture for you?


Excellent. Well, from my perspective, it's been amazing for the Vanguard team working with your team at the Milton Keynes University Hospital Trust and we've loved every minute and really are enjoying supporting you.


That's really good to hear. Thank you.

“We feel very supported. I think it's very important I say that…I would do a big shout out to the Vanguard team. I've worked with them myself. They are very professional, very focused on patient care, very focused on patient safety, and it's been a real pleasure to be part of that unit.”
Dr Hamid Manji, Consultant Anaesthetist and Medical Director for Planned Care

Floor plan of the Day Case Unit

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