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Роздуми про багаторічну співпрацю UHB та Vanguard

23 Грудень, 2024
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Наталі Арнольд, операційний менеджер, Pre-Op, SEAU, театри, EPOC і хірургічні відділення, розмовляє з генеральним директором Vanguard Крісом Блеквеллом-Фростом.

Natalie and Chris met when, after nearly six years, the Vanguard mobile theatres were soon to leave Solihull Hospital. Over that time, the theatres and the three clinical teams staffing them had played a key part in addressing and preventing backlogs in elective surgery, before, during and after the worst of Covid-19. The three laminar-flow operating theatres provided a safe clinical environment, facilitating high efficiency but, as always when Vanguard's clinical team is present, it's the people that made the greatest impression.

Для кращого розуміння є приклад прикладу, тут.

For another view on this collaboration, an interview with Paul Super, Consultant Surgeon, is тут.


Natalie, it's really good to see you today, and, genuinely, thank you for your time. I wonder if we just start by introducing yourself and letting us know your role here at the hospital.


Very good. And I think you would have been involved in the original decision back in 2019…


So, do you want to just talk us through what the process was at the time, and why you felt having an additional theatre on this site was going to be helpful?

"The speciality decided that they needed to get some of the gallbladders out of the system, and stop them becoming hot gallbladders and blocking up the emergency pathway. So, by having a dedicated theatre, we could actually get them all through and done in a timely manner.."
Natalie Arnold, Operations Manager, Pre-Op, SEAU, Theatres, EPOC and Surgical wards


So, Natalie, had you had experience of Vanguard before we came on site here in 2019?


And how did you find it?


That’s good to hear, actually. We talked about 2019 and the lap choles and, the whole gallbladder approach that you've taken. Then, obviously, we can't not talk about Covid, I guess, from 2020 onwards, March 2020, it's all burned in our memory. So, how did the theatre, support the hospital at that time, during Covid?

"So, obviously (during the Covid-19 pandemic), all elective activity stopped at Solihull...all the staff went to Heartlands ITU to support there, and actually some of the Vanguard staff volunteered and went over to Heartlands to help with ITU, and you could never have enough staff over there helping.

I mean, you know, we're all human. We're all going through it as well once we’ve left work. So, yeah, that just shows the integrity of the staff that you've got working for you."

Natalie Arnold, Operations Manager, Pre-Op, SEAU, Theatres, EPOC and Surgical wards


That’s good to hear. And I think you became a green site. Is that right, during Covid?

"So, what you'd signed up to do was gallbladders, when actually, there was a bit of gynae that came in, there was a bit of urology that came in…Nothing was ever too much for them."
Natalie Arnold, Operations Manager, Pre-Op, SEAU, Theatres, EPOC and Surgical wards


And then obviously there is that post-Covid period, elective backlog, growing for all the obvious reasons, actually. You went from one theatre to three theatres. So, be really good just to understand the thinking behind the additional expansion from one to three, and then also how you've used the theatres since that point.

"I've tried to poach some of your staff for the new build... I'll be sad when they go. Some of the team, I've worked with for 5 or 6 years. They have become part of the family."
Natalie Arnold, Operations Manager, Pre-Op, SEAU, Theatres, EPOC and Surgical wards

Image: Natalie corners Vanguard's Clinical Leads, Simon Barker and Della Smith


Yeah. And it's interesting because we talked to Paul, one of the consultant surgeons, on actually having that regular Vanguard team. It just inspires so much confidence within the consultant base to then come and work in the theatres.


And then as you started to change and flex with the activity that's happening as well. Again, having that stable team that you have the confidence in. Yeah, it just makes everything so much easier.


And I think your role, in part, has been that sort of key liaison and management of the Vanguard, and working with the Vanguard team as well, actually. So, it sounded like, in the answer you’ve just given, a responsive team, but it would be good just to hear how you’ve found working with Vanguard over the last sort of 3 or 4 years.


It's really nice to hear, being Chief Executive of Vanguard, just the impact the teams from Vanguard have had on the rest of the team here, but also on patients as well, over that period of time, to the point where, like you say, they feel part of the family. That's really nice to hear. So, how long until the new theatres open?


I guess it's always a good time to reflect, then, on the last 4 to 5 years. So any overarching thoughts in terms of how the last 3 to 4 years have gone working with Vanguard?


Yeah. And I think we have absolutely loved as an organization supporting Solihull. And it's been a long time. It's been one of our longest contracts actually. It will be just coming up to six years. So, we genuinely thank you for your support and that of your broader team.

And we've loved being able to support you and your patients. So, good luck with the new theatres.

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Рішення Vanguard Healthcare
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

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