We are a British, privately owned, international clinical services and infrastructure provider supporting healthcare clients across the UK and worldwide. The business has operating entities in the UK and Australia.
Our purpose-designed and built modular and mobile facilities provide our clients with Operating Theatres, Wards, Endoscopy Suites, Decontamination and diagnostic units. As part of our solution to our clients we also support them with clinical teams and equipment.
Me një ekip në rritje të shpejtë prej mbi 150 kolegësh ndërkombëtarisht, vlerat tona përcaktojnë se si ne bëjmë biznes me klientët tanë, brenda dhe jashtë vendit: Të fokusuar te pacientët; Inovative; Të përgjegjshme; I pasionuar; Puna ekipore.
Ju po na bashkoheni në një pjesë emocionuese të udhëtimit tonë ndërsa rritemi dhe diversifikojmë.
Hands on and operationally focussed, the FA will be responsible for accurately analysing the financial and operational position of the business.
The role is a key support to the Operational Finance Director (OFD) and will focus on monitoring and analysis to measure the performance of the commercial and operational departments, benchmark our performance against our ESG strategy, and to help the organisation make well informed decisions and forecast accurately.
The Finance Analyst will:
- Continually update and manage the pipeline and input into monthly pipeline and trading updates.
- Assist OFD in the production of monthly Pipeline Reports for Exec and Full Board Meetings.
- Work with the sales team to produce contract pricing documents and billing schedules.
- Produce and present quarterly sales contract KPIs to sales team.
- Liaise with the finance team and approve sales invoicing in line with sales contracts, POs, billing schedules and pipeline documents.
- Update and reconcile asset utilisation file to monthly management accounts.
- Review and analysis of monthly management information to identify trends and/or key issues to management team and operational departments.
- Take responsibility for collation of Strategic and Operational KPI data for reporting purposes.
- Update the customer segmentation dashboard and assist the sale team as required.
- Develop and deliver relevant financial and non-financial management information within deadlines as required.
- Gain and update job knowledge to remain informed about traits within the business.
- Support other business / functional areas in development of systems and processes to manage their own data to support KPIs / dashboard accuracy
- Develop a full understanding of the Dynamics 365 CRM and ensure alignment with functional area goals
- Take responsibility for collation of required ESG data for reporting purposes, to include carbon capture elements and liaising with Risk, People and Operations teams.
- Work closely with the Finance Business Partner to build a rapport, share learning, gain an understanding of each other’s roles and provide cover in the event of absence.
- Present a monthly update at the functional team meeting.
- Take responsibility for own personal development and ensure training is up to date.
- 5 weeks annual leave per year (January – December) + UK bank holidays
- Sigurimi i jetës
- Pensioni i kompanisë
- Plani i parave të kujdesit shëndetësor
- Anëtarësimet profesionale të rimbursuara
- ACCA or CIMA qualified or BS degree in Finance as a preference, however ACA Qualified / Finalist Level or Qualified by experience would be considered.
- Demonstrable experience in a similar role within a SME.
- Advanced Excel skills; ability to manage complex data, Macros and Pivot tables.
- Pro-active, self-motivated and experienced in managing multiple priorities.
- Pro-active with strong communication skills.
- Ability to build and maintain relationships with both finance and non-finance staff across the business, up to board level.
- Methodical and detailed approach to data analysis, with a naturally enquiring mind and the ability to dig deeper into requests to gain understanding, to see the patterns and trends.
E dëshirueshme
- Knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics solutions
- Hold a driving licence and prepared to undertake occasional journeys on Company business, including overseas trips if required.
Ne aspirojmë të kemi një vend pune të larmishëm dhe gjithëpërfshirës dhe inkurajojmë fuqimisht aplikantët e kualifikuar të përshtatshëm nga një gamë e gjerë prejardhjesh që të aplikojnë dhe t'i bashkohen ekipit tonë.
Vanguard Healthcare Solutions Ltd dhe Q-bital Healthcare janë pjesë e Grupit të kompanive Vanguard. www.vanguardhealthcare.co.uk