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Gethin Hughes, director de operaciones de UHB, explica cómo se mantendrán los servicios a los pacientes durante una amplia remodelación

7 marzo, 2025
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Gethin habla sobre por qué es necesaria la remodelación, cómo está ayudando Vanguard y qué pueden esperar los pacientes y el personal de las instalaciones de Vanguard que se están instalando.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has reacted quickly and effectively to the need for the urgent replacement of sections of the roof at the Princess of Wales Hospital. Vanguard is helping by combining mobile and modular facilities to provide endoscopy treatment and scope processing, four operating theatres, and two wards.
Gethin met Vanguard CEO, Chris-Blackwell-Frost on the day that the endoscopy facilities were 'handed over' to the Health Board, with the first patients being treated four days later. You can watch their conversation here, and a transcript is below.

Take a tour of the Vanguard Endoscopy Complex that has been installed at The Royal Glamorgan Hospital:

A transcript of the conversation between Gethin and Chris:


It's really nice to meet you, Gethin. We've emailed quite a bit and had various sort of correspondence through the different teams as well. Obviously, the reason we're here is because we've got a lot of work going on on-site with the Vanguard units going in. It'd be really helpful, actually, just to start with a bit of background as to the challenges that you're facing and what you're hoping to achieve.

“It was in the region of about a third of our physical capacity was lost. And so part of this work is around replacing, whilst the roof replacement programme is completed, the lost capacity to allow us to address our waiting times and get those poor patients treated who've had their care delayed because of that ongoing incident.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


Yeah, and stating the obvious, a third of your operating capacity and a third of your endo capacity as well, actually, the impact that will have on your waiting list and patients will be quite significant.


I suspect speed became one of the big determining factors, actually, because that waiting list is just going to keep getting longer the longer that you were without that third of that capacity.


It's quite a snug space, isn't it?


So, speed would have been one of the considerations. Was there anything else within the health board perspective that was what these are the priorities or these are the areas that we just need to cover?

“I think the key bit for us was around flexibility. So speed, absolutely, we wanted them up and running as quickly as possible. But secondly, it was around the flexibility of that environment so that we could put the greatest range of procedures through there.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


And almost moving those pieces around, I suspect as well from a different specialty perspective. So, in terms of solutions that you would have looked at, because ultimately this is one of them, was there any, because you already described the challenges you've got?


So what would you say your impression of working with Vanguard has been over the last few weeks and months?

“We've touched on the complexity of the site we're trying to fit it into and that's been a challenge and the team from Vanguard have been really helpful working with our own estate services to make sure that we can do that. The responsiveness, whenever we've identified a challenge, everyone's been focused on how do we make the solution work and how do we get there with the consistent primary aim for all of us has been to get these facilities mobilised as quickly as possible.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


And I think from a Vanguard perspective, just the size and the scale and the speed and the complexity, it has been a full team effort. I mean, I personally feel I've sort of lived and breathed every moment of it as well, actually. So it's great to be here today and just seeing it coming together, actually. It really does feel like there's been a huge team effort actually between the hospital team and the health board team and the Vanguard team just to make sure you've got the right solution for you.


They're in position now. How would you say the installation has gone? Because there's a huge amount of building work going on, on the site, as well.


Especially with Christmas in the middle of it and winter and everything else.


The reason we're here, actually, is we've got the first units being handed over today, the endoscopy units. So great to get those on board. And it was great to be able to work with you to phase those in. Feels like they're going to have a really positive impact on patients, actually, just being able to have that additional capacity back.

“...our patients within the next month or so will be being treated within a maximum of eight weeks from referral. That's a huge achievement and so important for our local population that we can offer that. We're running these rooms for the next year and we will get the POW rooms back online, probably May, June time. So that means that we will have a bigger step up in our capacity and we'll be able to bring down even further the waiting times for all our patients. So it's a huge, huge importance.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


Yeah, which is really significant, actually. Make the most of the additional capacity while you've got it, I guess.


Have you been inside the units yet?


Well, it's an impressive site, actually, in the scale of it, like you say, just in terms of the configuration and how tight the site is. So, yeah, first impressions on the outside look very impressive.


What's the sense of the teams here as well, actually? Because it's one of those things where they can see it coming together and look down on it as well, actually. So any feedback from the broader team, either around the speed that it's come together or anyone being on the facilities as well and any initial feedback from them?

“Feedback from the teams that have been going in and out, really positive, really looking forward to being in there and really liking the environment and the layout. So that's been positive. Again, in terms of the speed at which we've been able to mobilise it, people have been shocked that we're in a position where we've been able to turn from that decision to them being on site and now being operational, you know, in such a short space of time. So lots of excitement, lots of people getting very excited about having lots of operating lists back. And, you know, and again, it's about maintaining that service for our local population.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


Yeah. And I think that's probably the final question is just around the patient side of things as well, actually. So what would you say to any patients that are due to receive treatment within the Vanguard units.

“The facilities are state of the art. The facilities are as good as the facilities that are in the main body of the hospital.”
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 


Well, I just want to say thank you for trusting us with this project. We've loved working on it with you. Your team have been amazingly responsive. And yeah, in order for us to work at the pace we've been able to, it's just because your guys have been excellent and they've worked very well with us as well. So, yeah, we genuinely appreciate the opportunity. So, thank you for that.


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Unidad 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

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