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Una ventaja para los administradores de fincas: en Healthcare Estates 2024, Vanguard presenta soluciones para los desafíos futuros

8 y 9 de octubre de 2024
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Conferencia y exposición del Instituto de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Gestión Patrimonial (IHEEM): 8 y 9 de octubre de 2024, Manchester Central.

Change is coming and Estates Management teams  are going to lead the way, creating the facilities needed to meet new objectives. At Healthcare Estates exhibition, we would like to show you how Vanguard can help you get a step ahead, by presenting solutions to forthcoming challenges.  

Wes Streeting recently extolled the virtues of Surgical Hubs, which are vital to our recovery from the elective backlog. Vanguard is uniquely able to build a modular surgical hub within months, such as the four-theatre day case unit at Queen Mary’s Hospital, or create a hub around a mobile theatre within weeks, like the one performing four joint replacements a day at Warwick Hospital.

Greater emphasis is expected on diagnostics and early intervention. A Lancet study predicts that catch-up screening might temporarily increase colonoscopy demand to nearly twice that of normal levels. Vanguard will showcase modular and mobile endoscopy solutions.

 On Stand F6, Vanguard presents two new white papers. These create the backdrop as we show how we will work with you to create the best facilities for patients and staff, in the shortest time.

Tuesday 8th Oct, 11.30 ‘Prioritising bowel cancer screening waiting lists, under a Labour Government’ Come and discuss the whitepaper and our mobile and modular endoscopy facilities; mobile and modular. Registro aquí

Tuesday 8th Oct, 14.00
‘Reducing waiting lists, generating funds, improving lives: establishing a surgical hub’
Hear about the whitepaper, in which NHS leaders give the benefits of their experience in creating surgical hubs. Vanguard's mobile theatre at Warwick Hospital features strongly, and points raised also apply to the creation of modular builds. Registro aquí

Please visit our stand at any time to discuss these or the solutions to any other challenges you have!


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Soluciones para el cuidado de la salud Vanguard
Unidad 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

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